Asian Faculty/Staff Association
Dr. Gil Kim and her colleagues, L. An and Y. Kim, were informed that their paper, “Exchange Rate, Capital Flow, and Output: Developed versus Developing Economies,” published in June 2015,has been chosen to receive the AEJ (Atlantic Economic Journal) Best Article Award for 2016. There will be an award ceremony at the 82nd International Atlantic Economic Conference, Washington, D.C., in October 2016.
Ms. Hiromi Kubo and Mr. Raymond Pun received national recognition for outstanding professionalism and promise by the Special Libraries Association (SLA). Hiromi Kubo, liaison to the Craig School of Business, was recognized with the Achievement in Academic Business Librarianship Award and Raymond Pun, the First-Year Experience Librarian, was recognized as one of four national Rising Stars at the SLA 2016 conference, Philadelphia, PA in June 2016.
Dr. Martha Vungkhanching (Social Work Education) had her peer-reviewed manuscript titled, “Psychological Distress, Coping, and Perceived Social Support in Social Work Students,” accepted for publication in the British Journal of Social Work, which is ranked among the top 10 best social work journals in the world.
Congratulations to Joy Goto for her research breakthrough on Alzheimer's!