Asian Faculty/Staff Association
Fresno State Asian Faculty and Staff Association (AFSA)
Sponsored by: Fresno State Asian Faculty and Staff Association (AFSA)
Award Amount: $500 for undergraduate student award; $500 for graduate student award
Purpose: The purpose of the AFSA Book Awards is to provide financial assistance for full-time undergraduate and graduate students at Fresno State to purchase textbooks.
Criteria: The selection criteria include academic achievement, extracurricular activities, and financial need.
- Academic Achievement
- Major GPA of 2.8 or higher for undergraduate students
- Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher for graduate students
- Contribution to the local and/or on-campus Asian and Pacific Islander community
- Financial need
Application Deadline: November 22, 2016, 5 p.m.
Application Procedure:
1. Before you submit the online application, please prepare the following information:
- Your name, home address, and contact information (phone number and e-mail)
- Your major and minor (if applicable); cumulative GPA and major GPA
- Financial aid status with official documentation
- Expected graduation date and years in college
- Name(s) of the organization you have been involved in for last two years, position(s), and term
2. Write a brief essay that addresses the following. Graduate student applicants must answer both a and b.
Describe briefly your qualifications for this award. In your answer, address academic achievement, leadership, contribution to the on-campus and/or off-campus Asian and Pacific Islander community, and financial need.
2b. (GRADUATE STUDENT APPLICATION ONLY, not to exceed 500 words)
Discuss your educational plans and professional goals. Then, discuss why you feel you will be successful in your chosen field.
3. Please prepare an electronic version of the following supporting documents:
- A letter of recommendation from faculty or staff.
- A copy of your unofficial transcript.
4. Access the online AFSA Book Award Application Form: APPLY NOW
Once you complete the application, you will receive a confirmation e-mail. Please save the e-mail for your records.
Review Process: A review committee will read and score all applications based on the above criteria. Awardees will be notified via e-mail by December 9, 2016, and must attend the Book Awards Luncheon on Saturday, February 11, 2017.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Dr. Hwan Youn, AFSA Book Award Review Committee Chair
Associate Professor of Biology, Fresno State