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Latina/o Faculty and Staff Association

About Us

The Latina/o Faculty & Staff Association (LSFA) was established in 2009 as an organization dedicated to providing voice and representation for the coalition of Latinas/os, Hispanic, Chicanas/os  and other related faculty and staff at California State University, Fresno. We join together to acknowledge and celebrate our often diverse, but common Latina/o heritage. We recognize and take pride in the growing numbers of Latina/o faculty and staff that have joined Fresno State: as of Spring 2010, there were currently a total of 387 Latina/o identified persons on campus—252 staff; 50 full-time and 61 part-time faculty; and 24 managers.

As an organization, we pledge to work collaboratively in order to achieve the following goals:

1. foster Latina/o leadership at California State University, Fresno;

2. promote a campus climate that is sensitive, representative, and fair to all ethnic groups, including for example, the cultural diversity within our own community (e.g., Latina/o, Hispanic, Chicana/o and others) through a variety of efforts;

3. provide support and input in the fair recruitment or hiring, retention, and promotion of Latina/o students, faculty, staff, and administrators on campus;

4. respond proactively to the needs of the growing Latina/o student body, with a commitment to broadening and deepening the curriculum with regard to Latina/o issues;

5. build strong, effective linkages with the University administration and with the surrounding community at large;

6. create a social support network of partnerships and personal friendships among the members of the organization;

7. encourage and empower individuals in the organization to become more actively involved in important University, community, professional, and political service with the purpose of creating a more harmonious and diverse community.

LFSA Constitution


Please consider joining us as we serve to promote the interests of the Latina/o community at Fresno State.

Connect with us at our regular membership meetings on campus and learn more about what LFSA has to offer. Visit the Events and Activities section

Join Lfsa

You can also email Estevan Parra for more information.

Aide Navarro, LFSA Secretary

Hope to see you soon!